jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

V.A. - Portuguese Nightmare - A Tribute To Misfits

Tributo a Misfits de bandas de Portugal de distintos estilos musicales

01- Easyway - Horror Hotel
02- Mofó - Die Die My Darling
03- The Temple - I Turned Into A Martian
04- Capitáo Fantasma - Theme For A Jackal
05- Cinemuerte - Where Eagles Dare
06- D'evil Leech Project - 20 Eyes
07- (F.E.V.E.R.) - London Dungeon
08- We Were Wolves - All Hell Breaks Loose
09- Twentyinchburial - Last Caress
10- The No Counts D.O.M. - Bullet
11- Simbiose - Ghouls Night Out
12- Day of the Dead - Attitude
13- Decay - Some Kinda Hate
14- Mata Ratos - Sementes Do Odio (Hate Breeders)
15- Gazua - Hollywood Babylon
16- Grog - Death Comes Ripping
17- Octopus in the Fishmans Style - Hybrid Moments
18- Dead Combo - Angelfuck

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