martes, 27 de mayo de 2008


Genero: Horrorsurf/DementedSurf/Garage Horror
01. intro - venture into the haunted house...if you dare!
02. von kreep's theme - the legendary invisible men
03. house on haunted hill - the vooduo
04. the unknown - davie allan and the arrows
05. gravedigger - the fiends
06. return of the one percenter - psycho charger
07. the haunted house - a tale of terror
08. retribution - the nebulas
09. i wanna dig up bela lugosi - the 3-d invisibles
10. night in the life - cult of the psychic fetus
11. vengence beach - the hollywoods
12. unknown artist - track 12
13. creepy thing - the worst
14. uncle festers blues - the von drats
15. escape from castle wolfenstein - monsters from mars
16. drag fink - the moon-rays
17. mirror lies - the hangee v
18. happy halloween - the fuzztones
19. mad monster-making laboratory - sound effect
20. 1313 abomination breaks loose - sound effect
21. victim in the torture chamber - sound effect

BAJAR parte 1!
BAJAR parte 2!

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